Home pageFood preparation and processingKitchen lighter fluid PRESTO 250 ml

Kitchen lighter fluid PRESTO 250 ml

  • Kitchen lighter fluid PRESTO 250 ml
  • Kitchen lighter fluid PRESTO 250 ml

Kitchen lighter fluid PRESTO 250 ml

Product code 354942.00
Product line: PRESTO
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Description and parameters

High-quality highly flammable gas (butane) excellent for refilling Tescoma kitchen gas lighters, chef’s torches and fondue burners as well as other kitchen gas lighters with the corresponding filling hole. Suitable also for refilling gas cigarette lighters. Follow the safety instructions provided on the packaging when using, storing and recycling the product.
Height (cm)20
Volume (l)0.25
Diameter (cm)5
Other parameters
Categorykitchen organisation
Product linePRESTO
Warranty duration (in years)2
Width (cm)5.000
Height (cm)20.000
Length (cm)5.000
Weight including packaging (kg)0.206

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