Home pageFood preparation and processingChopping boardsPRESTOFlexible chopping boards PRESTO, set of 3

Flexible chopping boards PRESTO, set of 3

  • Flexible chopping boards PRESTO, set of 3
  • Flexible chopping boards PRESTO, set of 3
  • Flexible chopping boards PRESTO, set of 3
  • Flexible chopping boards PRESTO, set of 3

Flexible chopping boards PRESTO, set of 3

Product code 378879.00
Product line: PRESTO
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Warranty duration (in years)
Warranty duration (in years)

Description and parameters

Modern chopping boars excellent for cutting all kinds of food. Made of flexible plastic for easily carrying cut food; with an efficient anti-skid layer. Dishwasher safe, space-saving. 3-year warranty. Notice: Cut food exclusively on the smooth side without the anti-skid layer.
Other parameters
Categorychopping boards
Product linePRESTO
Typechopping board
Warranty duration (in years)3
Number of pcs per set3
Width (cm)29.000
Height (cm)0.500
Length (cm)39.000
Weight including packaging (kg)0.290

Product line

Product line